
Threshold Achievement Test reports provide test managers with detailed and robust analyses of student performance. The institutional reports offer summary and detailed results, performance level indicators, disposition descriptions, subgroup breakouts and more.

Scores are criterion-referenced. Reports of testing results include information to guide interpretation of scores (for example, test scores categorized into performance levels ranging from conditionally ready to college ready to research ready). Reports also include results from situational disposition items that gauge students’ propensity to engage in productive persistence, responsibility to community, toleration for ambiguity, and mindful self-reflection when faced with information challenges.

In addition to the test items, students may also complete a demographic survey. Test managers can choose to track the identities of their participants on this survey or make the test results anonymous. The standard survey questions collect information about students’ backgrounds including their majors and class standing. The survey data can be used by librarians and other test managers to identify correlations between learners’ IL experiences and their IL results as well as relationships to other relevant educational experiences that may influence learners’ IL outcomes. The standard set of demographic questions permits institutions to compare their results at a finer level of granularity. Librarians and other test managers can add up to 10 custom demographic questions to address local interests.

Institutional reports include:

  • Summary results for knowledge and disposition dimensions
  • Detailed results for each knowledge outcome
  • Performance indicator rankings that identify students’ relative strengths and weaknesses
  • Performance levels indicators ranging from conditionally ready to college ready to research ready
  • Disposition results with descriptions that align with students’ scores
  • Breakouts for subgroups such as first year students or transfer students
  • Cross-institutional comparisons with peer institutions and other institutional groupings
  • Suggestions for targeted readings that can assist in following up on the results
  • View a sample

Test managers also receive a set of supporting files:

  • Test Item document. A PDF document with a description of each test item.
  • Report data file. Contains all of the scores presented in the report.
  • Student data file. Contains scores for every student.
  • Student data codebook. Describes the demographic options that were configured for the test.
  • Student Report zip file. Contains a directory of PDF documents with an analysis of each student’s performance. View a sample.

Test managers have the option to present students with personalized reports upon completing the test. As soon as the student finishes the test a dynamically generated report is displayed describing the student’s performance and offering recommendations for improvement. The report content is connected directly with the knowledge outcomes, performance indicators, and dispositions of the module being tested.

Next up: See Pricing options.